all postcodes in OX12 / WANTAGE

find any address or company within the OX12 postcode district

Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX12 8AB 35 18 51.588348 -1.426713
OX12 8AD 1 1 51.588307 -1.425979
OX12 8AE 14 7 51.588577 -1.427648
OX12 8AF 5 0 51.588054 -1.423875
OX12 8AG 1 1 51.58852 -1.427218
OX12 8AH 14 9 51.588863 -1.427269
OX12 8AJ 2 2 51.588749 -1.427978
OX12 8AL 1 1 51.588754 -1.427316
OX12 8AN 13 1 51.589279 -1.42787
OX12 8AQ 8 1 51.589201 -1.428681
OX12 8AR 1 1 51.588784 -1.426031
OX12 8AS 4 3 51.588187 -1.426888
OX12 8AT 6 3 51.588423 -1.425644
OX12 8AU 29 4 51.588404 -1.423623
OX12 8AW 13 8 51.588722 -1.426234
OX12 8AX 31 19 51.588364 -1.42449
OX12 8DY 37 0 51.58756 -1.422308
OX12 8AY 16 0 51.58737 -1.423826
OX12 8AZ 13 0 51.588174 -1.422791
OX12 8BA 1 1 51.587881 -1.423473